The Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium is a combination natural science museum, history museum, and planetarium located in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. It was founded in 1890 by businessman, politician, naturalist, and collector Franklin Fairbanks.
1302 Main St, St Johnsbury (802) 748-2372
St. Johnsbury Athenaeum
1171 Main St, St Johnsbury 10AM – 5PM (Sat. 3PM) closed Sunday
(802) 748-8291
If in St. Johnsbury this is not to be missed. It’s a gorgeous library (free) from a forgotten age with an art gallery ($5 admission) featuring a massive Bierstadt landscape.
Lake Willoughby Westmore VT.
This scenic lake is actually the clearest lake in Vermont and its southern end is surrounded by the Willoughby State Forest.
There is a beach and fine swimming!
Hike Burke Mountain
– or other nearby peaks.
(click on a picture for more information) and ask around for directions.
Golf Courses
Click on a picture for more information.
Wild River Massage
with Beth Dyer
518 Main Street, Lyndonville (617) 272-0441
Village Sport Shop - Bike Rentals 2099 Darling Hill Rd, Lyndonville
Greg's Auto Repair 724 Broad St, Lyndonville 802 626-5888
Walgreens Pharmacy 412 Broad St, Lyndonville
Thurmond Knight is a builder of string instruments, not a repair person. However, displaying a few tears may persuade him to reset a fallen sound post or some other simple repair. Can’t hurt to ask.
158 Church Street, Barton, VT 802 525-7048
This is a repair shop for wind and brass instruments. They also sell some accessories.