VMAA Vermont Music and Arts Association Center

The Music Library at VMAC

The Music Library at VMAC

The Vermont Music and Arts Association has a fairly extensive music library for use by participants, but you may want to bring some from your own collection To help you decide what to bring, you may consult the library catalogue on line. Catalog organization explained.

The alphabetical listing by composer is self-explanatory.

The list by genre and the actual music collection are sorted by the library call number, the first letter of which is:

E for Ensemble without piano
P for instrumental music with Piano
R for Reference material (not performance parts)
V for Vocal music

The digits after the initial E or P for the instrumental works are.

First digit:
indicates the number of instrumental parts (up to 9); 9 also indicates large ensembles.

Second digit:
0 = piano only
1 = strings only +/- piano
3 = winds only +/- piano
5 = winds and string +/- piano

Third digit: a code for the specific instrumentation. P2 includes works for 2 pianos P202) or one piano, 4 hands (P204).

The digits following the initial V for the vocal works are
First digit: the number of vocal parts

Second digit:
0 = unaccompanied voice(s)
2 = with piano
4 = with instrument(s) other than piano
6 = with piano and other instrument(s)

For example, string quartets (E412) sort before wind quintets (E532) or violin sonatas (P211), and all vocal works sort after instrumental works.

Be sure to make use of the search box.  Enter any parameter – composer, title, instrumentation, or call number.

ComposerTitleInstrumentationScore/Parts StatusCall No
ADOLPHE, BruceQuartet (Oboe)Oboe, violin, viola & celloS & PE452
AGAY, DenesFive Easy DancesFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532


Violin and pianoP onlyP211
ALBINONI, TommasoConcerto (Oboe), op 7 #6, D majorStr Or: Solo oboeP onlyE95
ALBINONI, TommasoConcerto (Oboe), op 7 #6, D majorOboe and pianoP onlyP232
ALBINONI, TommasoConcerto (Oboe), op 9, #2Str Or: Solo oboeS & PE95
ANTES, JohnTrios, Three, op 3Two violins and celloP onlyE313
ARENSKY, Anton SPiano Trio, op 32, d minorViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
ARENSKY, Anton SQuartet op 35Violin, viola, & two cellosP onlyE414
ARENSKY, Anton SSilhouetten, op 23Two pianosP onlyP202
ARENSKY, Anton SSuite No 1, op 15Two pianosP onlyP202
ARENSKY, Anton SVariations on a Theme by Tschaikowsky, op 35String OrchestraS & PE94
ARNOLD, MalcolmDivertimento, op 37Flute, oboe, and clarinetS & PE332
ARNOLD, MalcolmOboe Quartet op 61Oboe, violin, viola & celloP onlyE452
ARNOLD, MalcolmQuintet for Fl, Vn, Vla, Hn, BsnFive wind and stringsP onlyE55
ARNOLD, MalcolmSuite BourgeoiseFlute, oboe & pianoP onlyP33
ARNOLD, MalcolmThree Shanties for Wind QuintetFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
ARNOLD, MalcolmTrio, op 54Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
ARRIAGA, Juan CString Quartets (3)Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
AVISON, CharlesConcerto, e minorString OrchestraS & PE94
BACH, Aloysius FKantate #2.7 (Immer folgt mein Kopf)Voice, piano, flute, cello & 2 gambasP onlyV16
BACH, C P EDuet in GOne wind & one stringed instrumentP onlyE25
BACH, C P EQuartet in D (Flute)Flute, viola, cello & pianoP onlyP45
BACH, C P EQuintet in D major (Fl, ob)Flute, oboe, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP55
BACH, C P ESonatas (6) (Cl, bs)Clarinet, bassoon & pianoP onlyP33
BACH, C P ESonatas, #1 in F and #2 in d minor2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
BACH, C P ESonatine in E flat2 fls, 2 vlns, vla, cello, pianoP onlyP75
BACH, C P ESonatine, d minor2 fls, 2 vlns, vla, cello, pianoP onlyP75
BACH, C P ETrio Sonata, G major2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
BACH, C P ETrio, B flat (Flute)Flute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
BACH, C P ETrios: #1 in D, #2 in a, #3 in GFlute, viola & pianoP onlyP35
BACH, J CQuartet for Flute/Oboe/Bb Clar & StringsFlute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
BACH, J CQuartet in C (Flute)Flute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
BACH, J CQuartets, Two, op 19 #1 & #32 flutes (or f & v) viola & celloP onlyE45
BACH, J CSinfonia Concertante, A (Violin, Cello)2 ob, 2 hn, 2 vn, vla, ce, [bs], cembP onlyE93
BACH, J CSinfonia, op 92 ob, 2 hn, 2 vn, vla, ce, [bs], cembP onlyE93
BACH, J CString Trios, ThreeTwo violins and celloP onlyE313
BACH, J C-CASADESUSConcerto (Viola), c minorViola and pianoP onlyP212
BACH, J SAria: Mein glaubiges Herze from # 68Voice, piano & oboe, violin, celloP onlyV16
BACH, J SAria: Unshuld, Kleinod, Reiner SeelenSolo voice and inst(s) other than pianoS & PV14
BACH, J SArias & Sinfonias from cantatas, etcVoice, oboe & celloP onlyV16
BACH, J SArias from Church Cantatas, vol 1Voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
BACH, J SAriosoString OrchestraP onlyE94
BACH, J SArioso (from Cantata No 156)Viola and pianoP onlyP212
BACH, J SArt of the FugueTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
BACH, J SAusgewahlte Arien fur Alt, vols 1-3Alto voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
BACH, J SAusgewahlte Arien fur Sopran, vols 1-4Soprano voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
BACH, J SAusgewahlte Duette fur Soprano & AltoVocal duets,piano & various insts-P onlyV26
BACH, J SBrandenburg Concerto #6, B flatTwo violas and pianoP onlyP314
BACH, J SBrandenburg Concerto No. 6 (for 5 cellos)Five stringed instrumentsP onlyE518
BACH, J SBrandenburg Concertos #1-6Str Or: Soli: 3ob,bs,2hn,picc,vlnS & PE95
BACH, J SBrandenburg Concertos (6) for Piano DuetPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BACH, J SCanons (8) from the Goldberg VariationsFlute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
BACH, J SCantata #106: Gottes Zeit… (piano version)Vocal quartet; piano (Mult copies)P onlyV42
BACH, J SCantata #106: Gottes Zeit… (Vocal parts in V42)2 Fl, 2 Gamba [Vla, Ce], Ce, Bs, ContinuoS & PE65
BACH, J SCantata #140: Wachet AufVocal quartet & Ch Or (Vocal pts in V42)S & PV44
BACH, J SCantata #140: Wachet Auf (piano version)Vocal quartet SATB & pianoP onlyV42
BACH, J SCantata #202: Weichet nurVoice, piano, oboe & string quartetP onlyV16
BACH, J SCantata #209: Non sa che sia doloreVoice, piano, flute & string quartetP onlyV16
BACH, J SChorale: Jesu, joy ... from #147SAB & piano;[oboe/vln oblig & 3 strings]P onlyV32
BACH, J SChorale: Now let every tongue ... from #140SAB & piano;[also SATB & piano & strgs)P onlyV32
BACH, J SChorale: Wie schoen leuchtet der MorgensternVocal quartet SATB & pianoP onlyV42
BACH, J SChorales (25) for Mixed VoicesVocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP onlyV40
BACH, J SConcerto (Piano), BWV 1052, d minorStr Or: Solo pianoS & PE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Piano), BWV 1056, f minorStr Or: Solo pianoS & PE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Piano), BWV 1058, g minorStr Or: Solo pianoS & PE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Three Harpsichords), CThree pianosP onlyP30
BACH, J SConcerto (Two Violins), d minorTwo violins and pianoP onlyP311
BACH, J SConcerto (Two Violins), d minorStr Or: Soli: Two violinsS & PE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Violin & Oboe), c minorOboe, violin & pianoP onlyP35
BACH, J SConcerto (Violin and Oboe), c minorString orchestra with solo inst(s)S & PE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Violin) no 1, aStr Or: Solo violinP onlyE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Violin) no 2, EStr Or: Solo violinP onlyE95
BACH, J SConcerto (Violin), #1, a minorViolin and pianoP onlyP211
BACH, J SConcertos for Two Pianos: C, c & dTwo pianosP onlyP202
BACH, J SDuets (15) (2-part Inventions)Violin and violaP onlyE212
BACH, J SDuets (4) for Violin & CelloViolin and celloP onlyE213
BACH, J SDuets, FourViolin and violaP onlyE212
BACH, J SDuets, FourViolin and celloP onlyE213
BACH, J SDuets, TwentyViolin and celloP onlyE213
BACH, J SEs Ist VollbrachtVoice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
BACH, J SFugue in a minor (no. 20 Well-tempered Clavicord)Two pianosP onlyP208
BACH, J SFugue in c# minor2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosS & PE513
BACH, J SGoldberg VariationsViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
BACH, J SJesu, Joy of Man`s DesiringTwo pianosP onlyP202
BACH, J SMagnificat in D BWV 243Solo voices SATB, chor & Strings (piano) vocal parts in V56S & PV86
BACH, J SMagnificat in D BWV 243Vocal quintet, piano & orch (orch in V86)P onlyV56
BACH, J SOrchestral SuitesPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BACH, J SOrgan Works transcribed for two pianosPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BACH, J SSheep May Safely GrazeTwo pianosP onlyP202
BACH, J SSonata, 3 (Gamba)Cello and pianoP onlyP213
BACH, J SSonatas (2) (Two Violins)Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
BACH, J SSonatas (flute), Nos 1-3Flute and pianoP onlyP231
BACH, J SSonatas for Violin & Harpsichord Nos 1-6Violin and pianoP onlyP211
BACH, J SSonatas, Three (Gamba)Viola and pianoP onlyP212
BACH, J SSonatas, Twelve Vols 1 & 2Viola and pianoP onlyP212
BACH, J SSonatinaRecorder and pianoP onlyP238
BACH, J SSuite #1, BWV 1066Ch Or: W(02010) StgsP onlyE96
BACH, J SSuite #2, b minor (Flute)Str Or: Solo fluteS & PE95
BACH, J SSuite #3, D majorChamber orchestra (with wind parts)S & PE96
BACH, J SSuite in D majorViola and pianoP onlyP212
BACH, J SSuite No 2, bStr Or: Solo fluteS & PE95
BACH, J STerzetti (15) (vol 1 after 3-part Inventions)Two violins and violaP onlyE312
BACH, J STerzetti (15) (vol 2)Two violins and celloP onlyE313
BACH, J STrio Sonata #2, c minorViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
BACH, J STrio Sonata (Musical Offering, BWV 1079)Flute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
BACH, J STrio Sonata (two flutes) in G major, BWV1039Two flutes, cello and pianoP onlyP412
BACH, J STrio Sonata, B flatTwo recorders, cello & pianoP onlyP45
BACH, J STrio sonatas (Flute/Violin), completeFlute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
BACH, J STrio, d minorTwo violins and pianoP onlyP311
BACH, JanCalliopeFlute & hornP onlyE23
BACH, P D QLiebeslieder Polkas (9/10)Vocal quartet with piano 4 handsP onlyV42
BACH, P D QThe Art of the Ground RoundVocal trio and inst(s) other than pianoP onlyV34
BACH, P D QTwo MadrigalsVocal quintet; unaccompaniedP onlyV50
BACH, W FDuo, G major, for Two ViolasTwo violasP onlyE214
BACH, W FSonata, B flat (Flute)Flute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
BACH, W FTrio in G (2 Fl, vla)Two flutes & violaP onlyE35
BACH-MOZARTPreludes and Fugues, TwoViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
BARBER, SamuelDover BeachVoice & string quartetP onlyV14
BARBER, SamuelString Quartet, op 11Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BARBER, SamuelSummer MusicFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
BARTOK, BelaContrasts (Cl, vln)Clarinet, violin & pianoS & PP35
BARTOK, BelaString Quartets Nos 1-6Two violins, viola, and celloSome SE412
BARTOK, BelaViolin Duets, vols 1&2, #1-25 & #26-44Two violinsP onlyE211
BATHORY-KITSZ, DennisHorn, viola, cello and pianoP onlyP45
BAX, ArnoldString Quartet, GTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BEACH, Amy (Mrs HHA)Quintet in F# minor, op 672 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
BEACH, Amy (Mrs HHA)Theme and Variations, op 80Flute & string quartetP onlyE55
BEACH, Amy (Mrs HHA)Three Songs for voice, violin, cello and pianoVoice, violin, cello & pianoP onlyV16
BEACH, Amy (Mrs HHA)Trio, op 150Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
BEETHOVEN, LudwigContradances, TwelveCh Or: W(12222) StgsS & PE96
BEETHOVEN, LudwigDuet, EyeglassesViola and celloP onlyE215
BEETHOVEN, LudwigDuets, ThreeViolin and celloP onlyE213
BEETHOVEN, LudwigDuets, ThreeViolin and violaP onlyE212
BEETHOVEN, LudwigDuos, ThreeClarinet & bassoonP onlyE23
BEETHOVEN, LudwigElegischer Gesang, op 118Vocal quartet & inst(s) other than pianoP onlyV44
BEETHOVEN, LudwigGerman Dances (12)Two violins and violaP onlyE312
BEETHOVEN, LudwigGerman Dances (Two)Four wind instrumentsS & PE43
BEETHOVEN, LudwigHorn Sonata, op. 17 (arr. for cello)Cello and pianoP onlyP213
BEETHOVEN, LudwigIch Liebe DichSolo voice and pianoP onlyV12
BEETHOVEN, LudwigNotturno, op 42Viola and pianoP onlyP212
BEETHOVEN, LudwigOctet, op 1032 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsS & PE83
BEETHOVEN, LudwigOverturesPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BEETHOVEN, LudwigPiano Four Hands, Original Compositions forPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BEETHOVEN, LudwigPiano Quartets op 16 Eb, Woo 36 nos 1 Eb,2 D,3 CViolin, viola, cello, and pianoS & PP413
BEETHOVEN, LudwigPiano Quintet (Winds)Ob, cl, bs, hn & pianoP onlyP53
BEETHOVEN, LudwigPiano Trios (Complete) Nos 1-11Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
BEETHOVEN, LudwigPiano Trios (Viola part only, replaces cello)Violin, viola, and pianoSome SP312
BEETHOVEN, LudwigPiano Trios viola only (in place of cello)Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
BEETHOVEN, LudwigRomance op 40Ch Or: Solo violin W(12022) Stgs soli vlin in P211P onlyE97
BEETHOVEN, LudwigRomance op 50Ch Or: Solo violin W(12022) Stgs soli vlin in P211S & PE97
BEETHOVEN, LudwigRomances, op 40 & op 50Viola and pianoP onlyP212
BEETHOVEN, LudwigRomances, op 40 & op 50Violin and pianoP onlyP211
BEETHOVEN, LudwigRondino in E flat2 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsP onlyE83
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSeptet, op 20, E flat majorCl, bs, hn, vln, vla, cello, bassS & PE75
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSerenade, op 25Flute, violin & violaS & PE35
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSextet (2 Hn)Two horns & string quartetP onlyE65
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSextet, op 712 clarinets, 2 bassoons, and 2 hornsP onlyE63
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSonatas (10), Rondo in G, 12 Variations in FViolin and pianoP onlyP211
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSonatas, CelloCello and pianoP onlyP213
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSonatas, ViolinViolin and pianoP onlyP211
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSonatas, Violin, vol 1, #1-5Violin and pianoP onlyP211
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSonatas, Violin, vol 2 #6-10Violin and pianoP onlyP211
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSongs for Solo Voice and PianoSolo voice and pianoP onlyV12
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Quartet, F major (on sonata op 14 #1)Two violins, viola, and celloS onlyE412
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Quartets (Complete)Piano 4 handsP onlyP204
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Quartets, CompleteDover ScoreAll PREF
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Quartets, Posthumous Works forTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Quartets: (Early, Middle & Late)Two violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Quintets, op 29, 4, 104, 1372 violins, 2 violas, and celloAll SE512
BEETHOVEN, LudwigString Trios, op 3, 8, 9, Serenade, op 25Violin, viola, and celloAll SE314
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphonies #1 - 5 for Piano DuetPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 1 in C, op 21Ch Or: W(22222) 2 trps T StgsS & PE96
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 2Two pianos 8 handsP onlyP208
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 2 in D, op 36Ch Or: W(22222) 2 trps T StgsS & PE96
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 6, F, PastoralCh Or: W(22222) 2trp 2tbn TS & PE96
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 7 in A, op 92Ch Or: W(22222) 2 trps T StgsS & PE96
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 7, op 92Two pianos 8 handsP onlyP208
BEETHOVEN, LudwigSymphony No. 8 in FChamber orchestra (with wind parts)S & PE96
BEETHOVEN, LudwigTrio in C, op 87Three cellosP onlyE317
BEETHOVEN, LudwigTrio in Eb, op 38Clarinet, cello & pianoP onlyP35
BEETHOVEN, LudwigTrio WoO 37 (fl, bs)Flute, bassoon & pianoP onlyP33
BEETHOVEN, LudwigTrio, op 11, B flat major (Cl, ce)Clarinet, cello & pianoP onlyP35
BEETHOVEN, LudwigTrio, op 87, CTwo violins and violaP onlyE312
BEETHOVEN, LudwigVariationsCello and pianoP onlyP213
BENDA, FranzSonata, F majorOboe and pianoP onlyP232
BENTZON, JorgenIntermezzoClarinet & violinP onlyE25
BERG, AlbanString Quartet, Lyric SuiteTwo violins, viola, and celloS onlyE412
BERG, AlbanString Quartet, op 3Two violins, viola, and celloS onlyE412
BERGER, WilhelmTrio (g minor) op 69Violin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
BERGER, WilhelmTrio in g minor, op 94Clarinet, cello & pianoP onlyP35
BERGSMA, WilliamString Quartet #2Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BERKELEY, LennoxTrio for violin, horn, & piano, op 44Horn, violin & pianoP onlyP35
BERNSTEIN, LeonardDream With MeSolo voice, other inst(s) and pianoS & PV16
BERNSTEIN, LeonardSonata (1941-42)Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
BIELSKISix Moods for Violin & CelloViolin and celloP onlyE213
BIELSKISketches (3) for Violin & CelloViolin and celloP onlyE213
BIZET, GeorgesFantasy on Themes from Bizet's CarmenTwo pianos 8 handsP onlyP208
BLANC, AdolpheSeptet, op 40Cl, bs, hn, vln, vla, cello, bassS & PE75
BLISS, ArthurConversations (Fl, ob, vln, vla, ce)Flute, oboe, vln, vla, ceP onlyE55
BLISS, ArthurQuintet for Oboe and String QuartetOboe & string quartetP onlyE55
BLOCH, ErnestConcertino (Fl, vla)Flute, viola & pianoP onlyP35
BLOCH, ErnestConcerto GrossoStr Or: Solo pianoS & PE95
BLOCH, ErnestPiano Quintet (no 1)2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
BLOCH, ErnestPrayer (From Jewish Life)Cello and pianoP onlyP213
BLOCH, ErnestString Quartets Nos 1 & 2Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
BLOCH, ErnestSupplication (From Jewish Life)Cello and pianoP onlyP213
BOCCHERINI, LuigiDuetViolin and celloP onlyE213
BOCCHERINI, LuigiDuos pour 2 Violons, op 5Two violinsP onlyE211
BOCCHERINI, LuigiPiano Quintet #6, op 57 (post)2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
BOCCHERINI, LuigiQuartet (Flute), op 5, #1, D majorFlute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
BOCCHERINI, LuigiQuintet (Flute), op 21, # 5, in GFlute & string quartetP onlyE55
BOCCHERINI, LuigiQuintet in C (Fl, ob, vln, vla, ce)Flute, oboe, vln, vla, ceP onlyE55
BOCCHERINI, LuigiQuintet in Eb major, op 21 #6Flute & string quartetP onlyE55
BOCCHERINI, LuigiQuintets (6), flute or oboe & strings, op 55Five wind and stringsP onlyE55
BOCCHERINI, LuigiSextet, op 42 in E flat (Hn)Horn, 2 vlns, vla, & 2 celliP onlyE65
BOCCHERINI, LuigiSonata #6, AViola and pianoP onlyP212
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quartet, op 33 #4, CTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quartets from op 6,8,10,27,32,33 & 39Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quartets, NineTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quartets, op 33 #1-3Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quartets: op 1,24,39,41,44,48,58Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quintet (Vc), C major2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP onlyE513
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quintet (Vc), C, Nachtwache in Madrid2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP onlyE513
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quintet (Vc), D, Bird Sanctuary2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP onlyE513
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quintets (Vc), op 13#5 E, op20 #4 d2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP onlyE513
BOCCHERINI, LuigiString Quintets (Vc), op 37 #1, c minor; #2, D2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP onlyE513
BOCCHERINI, LuigiTerzetti (2) for 2 Violins and CelloTwo violins and celloP onlyE313
BOCCHERINI, LuigiTrios, (3), Op 38Violin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
BOISMORTIER, JosephConcerto in e minor (fl, ob, vln, bs)Flute, oboe, violin, bassoonS & PE45
BOISMORTIER, JosephConcertos (Six) for Five FlutesFive flutesS & PE531
BOISMORTIER, JosephSonata, g minor, 3 flutes and continuoThree winds and pianoP onlyP43
BOISMORTIER, JosephSonatas (2) for Three Treble Instruments (a, e)3 violins and piano - Opt vla ce bassP onlyP411
BOISMORTIER, JosephSonatas (2), in C and gTwo treble woodwindsS & PE23
BOLLING, ClaudeCalifornia SuiteTwo flutes, sax, guitar & jazz trioP onlyP79
BOLLING, ClaudeSuite for Cello and Jazz Piano TrioCello & jazz piano trio (bass & drums)P onlyP49
BOLLING, ClaudeSuite for Flute and Jazz Piano TrioFlute & jazz piano trio (bass & drums)P onlyP49
BOLLING, ClaudeSuite for Violin and Jazz Piano TrioViolin & jazz piano trio (bass & drums)P onlyP49
BORODIN, AlexanderString Quartets: No 1 in A, No 2 in DTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
BORODIN, AlexanderString Quintet (Vc), f minor2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosS & PE513
BORRESEN, HakonSextet, op 52 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosP onlyE612
BOYCE, WilliamOverture IIIString OrchestraS & PE94
BOYCE, WilliamSonata, A major2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
BOZZA, EugeneSerenade en Trio (fl, cl, bn)Flute, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE333
BRAHMS, JohannesCanons op 113Vocal quartet; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV40Â
BRAHMS, JohannesFolk Songs (6)Vocal quartet; piano (Mult copies)P onlyV42Â
BRAHMS, JohannesLibeslieder Walzer, op 52Vocal quartet SATB & pianoP onlyV42Â
BRAHMS, JohannesLiebeslieder Walzer, op 52Vocal quartet with piano 4 handsP onlyV42Â
BRAHMS, JohannesLiebeslieder Walzer, op 52aPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BRAHMS, JohannesNeue Liebeslieder Walzer, op 65aPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
BRAHMS, JohannesPiano Quartets: op25 g, op26 A, op60 cViolin, viola, cello, and pianoS & PP413
BRAHMS, JohannesPiano Quintet, op 34, f minor2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoS & PP513
BRAHMS, JohannesPiano Trios, op 8, 40 (hn), 87, 101, 114(cl)Violin, cello, and pianoS & PP313
BRAHMS, JohannesPiano Trios: (4) op 8, 87, 101 posthViolin, cello, and pianoS & PP313
BRAHMS, JohannesQuintet (Clarinet), op 115, b minorClarinet & string quartetS & PE55Â
BRAHMS, JohannesSonatas (Cello) op 38 in e & op 99 in FCello and pianoP onlyP213
BRAHMS, JohannesSonatas, op 120 #1 & #2Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
BRAHMS, JohannesSonatas, op 120 #1 & #2Viola and pianoP onlyP212
BRAHMS, JohannesSonatas, Violin op 78 G, 100 A, 108 dViolin and pianoP onlyP211
BRAHMS, JohannesSongs, Two, op 91, for alto, viola, and pianoAlto, viola & pianoP onlyV16Â
BRAHMS, JohannesString Quartets, op 51 #1 & 2, op 67Two violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
BRAHMS, JohannesString Quintets: op 88 in F, 111 in G2 violins, 2 violas, and celloS & PE512
BRAHMS, JohannesString Sextets: op 18 in B flat, 36 in G2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosS & PE612
BRAHMS, JohannesTrio (Clarinet), op 114, a minorClarinet, cello & pianoS & PP35Â
BRAHMS, JohannesTrio (Horn), op 40, E flatHorn, violin & pianoS & PP35Â
BRAHMS, JohannesVariations on a Theme by Haydn, op 56bTwo pianosP onlyP202
BRAHMS, JohannesVariations on a Theme of HaydnNine or more instrumentsS & PE9Â Â
BRANDISE, WimBurlescaTwo pianosP onlyP202
BREVAL, J BDuet #3 in DViolin and celloP onlyE213
BRIDGE, FrankNovelletten for String QuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BRIDGE, FrankQuartet in e minor (1906)Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BRIDGE, FrankThree IdyllsTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BRITTEN, BenjaminPhantasy QuartetOboe, violin, viola & celloP onlyE452
BRITTEN, BenjaminSimple SymphonyString OrchestraS & PE94Â
BRITTEN, BenjaminString Quartet, op 36 #2Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
BROWN, StephenFive Songs from James JoyceVoice, piano, flute, violin & celloP onlyV16Â
BRUCH, MaxAcht Stucke, op 83 (Cl, vla)Clarinet, viola & pianoP onlyP35Â
BRUCH, MaxString Quintet, op posth, a minor2 violins, 2 violas, and celloS & PE512
BRUCKNER, AntonString Quartet, c minorTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
BRUCKNER, AntonString Quintet (Viola), F major2 violins, 2 violas, and celloS & PE512
BRUNI, A BDuo Concertantes, Part 1, Nos 1-3Violin and violaP onlyE212
BURTON, EldinPiano Quintet2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
BUSLER-BLAIS, LydiaBoreal Quartet for horn, viola, cello & pianoHorn, viola, cello and pianoP onlyP45Â
BUSLER-BLAIS, LydiaFrost CycleSoprano, piano & hornP onlyV16Â
BUSLER-BLAIS, LydiaLanternsFlute, horn & pianoP onlyP33Â
BUTTERWORTH, GeorgeLove Blows as the Wind BlowsVoice & string quartetS & PV14Â
CAMBINI, GiuseppeQuintet #1, B flatFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
CASADESUS, RobertPiano Quartet, op 30Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
CECCONI-BATES, ACanzonetta (1980)Ch Or: Solo viola    W(11110) tp StgsP onlyE97Â
CECCONI-BATES, ADuos, Three (1981)Oboe & clarinetP onlyE23Â
CECCONI-BATES, AFrom the Tug Hill PlateauFlute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
CECCONI-BATES, ASonata #2 (1978)Violin and pianoP onlyP211
CECCONI-BATES, ASonatina (1980)Four flutes (or clarinets)P onlyE43Â
CECCONI-BATES, AWaiting for the ToastTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
CHARPENTIER, GustaveSuite for String OrchestraString OrchestraS & PE94Â
CHAUSSON, ErnestChanson PerpetuelleVoice, string quartet & pianoP onlyV16Â
CHAUSSON, ErnestConcerto for Piano & Violin + String QuartetThree violins, viola cello piano(organ)P onlyP61Â
CHAUSSON, ErnestPiano Quartet in A major, op 30Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
CHAUSSON, ErnestString Quartet, op 35, c minorTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
CHERUBINI, LuigiString Quartets (3)Two violins, viola, and celloSome SE412
CHOPIN, FrederickPolonaise Brillante, op 3Cello and pianoP onlyP213
CHOPIN, FrederickRondo, op 73Two pianosP onlyP202
CIMAROSA, DomenicoConcerto for Oboe and StringsOboe & string quartetS & PE55Â
CINNAMONString TrioTwo violins and celloP onlyE313
CLARKE, RebeccaCome, Oh Come, My Life's DelightVocal quartet; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV40Â
CLARKE, RebeccaDumkaViolin, viola, and pianoP onlyP312
CLARKE, RebeccaTrioViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
CLARKE, RebeccaTwo Movements for String QuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
CLEMENTI, MuzioSonatas, Two for Two PianosTwo pianosP onlyP202
CLOUGH-LEITER (ed)The A Cappella SingerVocal quartet; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV40Â
COHAN, George M.Patriotic Cohan, a MedleyTwo pianosP onlyP202
COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, SNonet in f minorNine or more instruments including pianoP onlyP9Â Â
COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, SQuintet for Clarinet and String Quartet, f#Clarinet & string quartetP onlyE55Â
COPLAND, AaronAppalachian SpringNine or more instruments including pianoS & PP9Â Â
COPLAND, AaronAs It Fell Upon a DayVoice, flute & clarinetP onlyV14Â
COPLAND, AaronPiano QuartetViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
COPLAND, AaronQuiet CityTwo winds & pianoP onlyP33Â
COPLAND, AaronThrenodies I and IIFlute, violin, viola & celloS & PE451
COPLAND, AaronTwo Pieces (String Quartets)Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
COPLAND, AaronVitebskViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
CORELLI, ArcangeloConcerti Grossi, op 6 #'s 2-4, 7-10Str Or: Soli: Two violins & celloP onlyE95Â
CORELLI, ArcangeloLa Folie (orch. Max Reger)Ch Or: Soli: 2 vlns 2 ce W(22020) StgsP onlyE97Â
CORELLI, ArcangeloSonata, op 5 # 8, a minor (Rec, ce)Recorder, cello & keyboardP onlyP35Â
CORELLI, ArcangeloSonatas (Six Chamber)Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
CORELLI, ArcangeloSonatas (Twelve), vols 1 & 2Violin and pianoP onlyP211
CORELLI, ArcangeloTrio Sonatas, op 3 #1-32 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
CORELLI, ArcangeloTrio Sonatas, op 4 #1-32 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
COWELL, HenryBallad for Woodwind QuintetFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
COWELL, HenryHymn and Fuguing Tune No. 2String OrchestraS & PE94Â
COWELL, HenryString Quartet no 5Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
CRAWFORD, RuthString Quartet (1931)Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
CRUSELL, BernhardDivertimeno in C majorOboe & string quartetS & PE55Â
CRUSELL, BernhardQuatuor, op 7 in DClarinet, violin, viola & celloP onlyE453
CRUSELL, BernhardRondo for 2 Cl and Str Quartet (Piano version)Two winds & pianoP onlyP33Â
CUMMING, RAs Dew in AprilVoice, piano & oboeP onlyV16Â
CZERNY, CarlGrande Serenade ConcertanteClarinet, horn, cello and pianoP onlyP45Â
DAHL, IngolfQuodlibet on American Folk TunesTwo pianosP onlyP202
DALCROZE, E JaquesString QuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
DAMASE, Jean-MichelSonate en ConcertFlute, cello & pianoP onlyP35Â
DANZI, FranzQuartet Op 40 No 3, BbBassoon, violin, viola & celloS & PE454
DANZI, FranzQuintet, op 56 #1, B flatFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
DANZI, FranzQuintet, op 67, #3, E flatFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
DANZI, FranzQuintet, op 68, #3, d minorFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
DART, Thurston (ed)Invitation to Madrigals, vol 1Vocal trio SAB; unaccompaniedP onlyV30Â
DART, Thurston (ed)Invitation to Madrigals, vol 2Vocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP onlyV40Â
DART, Thurston (ed)Invitation to Madrigals, vol 3Vocal trio SSA; unaccompaniedP onlyV30Â
DART, Thurston (ed)Invitation to Madrigals, vol 4Vocal duet; unaccompaniedP onlyV20Â
DART, Thurston (ed)Invitation to Madrigals, vol 5Vocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP onlyV40Â
DE SWERT, JulesElegy, op 47Four cellosP onlyE417
DEBUSSY, ClaudeDeux ArabesquesFour flutes (or clarinets)S & PE43Â
DEBUSSY, ClaudePetite SuiteNine or more instrumentsS & PE9Â Â
DEBUSSY, ClaudePetite SuitePiano four handsP onlyP204
DEBUSSY, ClaudePiano Trio in G (1880)Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
DEBUSSY, ClaudeReverieNine or more instrumentsP onlyE9Â Â
DEBUSSY, ClaudeString Quartet, op 10, g minorTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
DEBUSSY, ClaudeWorks for Piano Four Hands & Two PianosPiano four hands or two pianosP onlyP20Â
DELLO JOIO, NormanTrio for Flute Cello and PianoFlute, cello & pianoP only-
DEVIENNE, FrancoisQuartet (Bassoon), op 70, #2 in FBassoon, violin, viola & celloP only-
DICK, StuartCanon (for Violin & Viola)Violin and violaP only-
DICK, StuartDuo #2 for two violinsTwo violinsP only-
DICK, StuartGrand Duo for Violin & CelloViolin and celloP only-
DICK, StuartInterludeViolin and pianoP only-
DICK, StuartQuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloP only-
DICK, StuartSuite for Two BassoonsWind duetP only-
DINDY, VincentPiano Quartet op 7Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP only-
DINDY, VincentSuite in Olden Style, op 24 (2Fl)Seven winds and stringsS & P-
DINICU, GrigorasHora StaccatoViolin and pianoP only-
DITTERSDORF, Karl DString Quartet, E flatTwo violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DITTERSDORF, Karl DString Quintet (Vc) #6, G2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP only-
DOHNANYI, Ernst vonPiano Quintets: op 1 c & op 26 e flat2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP only-
DOHNANYI, Ernst vonSerenade, op 10Violin, viola, and celloS & P-
DOHNANYI, Ernst vonSextet in C major, op 37Clarinet, horn, vln, vla, cello & pianoP only-
DOHNANYI, Ernst vonString Quartet #2, op 15, D flatTwo violins, viola, and celloP only-
DOPPLER, FranzNocturne (Flute, horn)Flute, violin, horn, and pianoP only-
DOTZAUER, JustusSix Pieces, op 104Three cellosP only-
DOWLAND, JohnLachrimae (Seven Tears)Two violins, viola, 2 celli & pianoP only-
DRAGANSKI, DonaldTrio for Flute, Clarinet and BassoonFlute, clarinet, and bassoonP only-
DRING, MadeleineTrio for flute, Oboe and PianoFlute, oboe & pianoP only-
D'RIVERA, PaquitoAires TropicalesFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP only-
DUBOIS, TheodoreQuintet (Oboe)Oboe, violin, viola, cello & pianoP only-
DUNHILL, Thomas FPleasantries, op 63Two violins and violaP only-
DUSSEK, J LRondo for Woodwind QuartetFlute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninBagatelles, op 472 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P only-
DVORAK, AntoninConversion kit for cello, completeReference materialRef-
DVORAK, AntoninCypresses (String Quartet)Two violins, viola, and celloP only-
DVORAK, AntoninInserts for cello parts of op 84-96Reference materialRef-
DVORAK, AntoninPiano Quartets: op 23, D & op 87, E flatViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP only-
DVORAK, AntoninPiano Quintet, op 81, A2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninPiano Trio, op 26, g minorViolin, cello, and pianoP only-
DVORAK, AntoninPiano Trio, op 65, f minorViolin, cello, and pianoP only-
DVORAK, AntoninPiano Trio, op 90, d minor (Dumky)Violin, cello, and pianoS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninRomantic Pieces, op 75Violin and pianoP only-
DVORAK, AntoninRomanze, f minor, +op 11Violin and pianoP only-
DVORAK, AntoninSerenade9 string parts S(22221)P only-
DVORAK, AntoninSerenade in d minor op 44 (winds and celli)Chamber piece for winds & stringsP only-
DVORAK, AntoninSlavic Dances, op 46Piano 4 handsP only-
DVORAK, AntoninSonatina (Violin and Piano), op 100 in GViolin and pianoP only-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, B flat w/ooTwo violins, viola, and celloP only-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 16, a minorTwo violins, viola, and celloP only-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 34, d minorTwo violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 51, E flatTwo violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 61, CTwo violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 80, ETwo violins, viola, and celloP only-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 96, F (American)Two violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 105, A flatTwo violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quartet, op 106, GTwo violins, viola, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quintet (Bass), op 77, G2 violins, viola, cello, & bassS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Quintet, op 97, E flat2 violins, 2 violas, and celloS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Sextet, op 482 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosS & P-
DVORAK, AntoninString Trio, op 75aTwo violins and violaP only-
DVORAK, AntoninTerzetto, op 74, CTwo violins and violaS & P-
EBERL, AntonSextet for cL, hn, vln, vla, ce, & pianoClarinet, horn, vln, vla, cello & pianoS & P-
ECCLES, JohnSonata, g minorCello and pianoP only-
ELGAR, EdwardChanson de Matin, Chanson de Nuit, op 15Violin and pianoP only-
ELGAR, EdwardIntroduction and AllegroStr Or: Solo string quartetS & P-
ELGAR, EdwardPiano Quintet, op 84, a minor2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP only-
ELGAR, EdwardSalute d'Amour, op 12Cello and pianoP only-
ELGAR, EdwardSerenadeString OrchestraS & P-
ELGAR, EdwardString Quartet, e minor, op 83Two violins, viola, and celloS & P-
ELO, ArpadClarinet Concertino (1946)Ch Or: Solo clarinet W(11011) StgsS & P-
ELO, ArpadDivisions on a Ground by Mr Purcell (1965)Recorder and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadElegy for String Quartet (1987)Two violins, viola, and celloP only-
ELO, ArpadFour Mvts on Transcendental Themes (1981)Clarinet, violin, viola, cello & pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadFunf Deutsche Angstlieder (1972)Voice & clarinetP only-
ELO, ArpadFunf Pogolieder (1950)Solo voice and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadHungarian Rondo (1982)Fl cl bs or Pennywhistle & 2 bassett hnsP only-
ELO, ArpadMeditation (1981)Violin and celloP only-
ELO, ArpadMiranda (1995)Vocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP only-
ELO, ArpadNocturne (1995) (Cl, vla)Clarinet, viola & pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadPartita (1977)Flute, clarinet & horn/bassoon/saxP only-
ELO, ArpadPhaedra (1978)Voice, piano & clarinetP only-
ELO, ArpadPsalm 137 (1967)Vocal duets with pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadPsalm 150 (1966)Vocal quartet SATB & pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadQuartet, D major (1963)Clarinet, violin, viola & celloP only-
ELO, ArpadRounds on the Gloria (1947-67)Vocal trio; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P only-
ELO, ArpadSerenade (1975)Flute, oboe, clarinet & hornP only-
ELO, ArpadSerenade for String TrioTwo violins and violaP only-
ELO, ArpadSix Fragments of Merritt Malloy (1984)Solo voice and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadSix Songs from Pills to Purge Melancholy(1981)Voice, piano & recorderP only-
ELO, ArpadSix Songs on Poems by Langston Hughes (1947)Solo voice and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadSonata #2 (1977)English horn and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadSonata, d minor (1951)Viola and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadSonatina for Piano 3 Hands (1985)Piano four hands or two pianosP only-
ELO, ArpadSong of Devotion (1967/1982)Voice & string quartetP only-
ELO, ArpadSong of Fulfillment (1980)Voice, piano & bassett horn/clarinetP only-
ELO, ArpadSongs of the Flying Festoon (1986)Voice, piano & clarinetP only-
ELO, ArpadThree Songs on Poems by Robert Burns (1982-3)Voice, violin & pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadTrio for Flute, Clarinet, and Viola (1982)Flute, clarinet & violaP only-
ELO, ArpadTwelve Sonatinas (1961-65)Clarinet and pianoP only-
ELO, ArpadVariations on an Air by Henry Clay WorkFlute, violin & dulcimer/violaP only-
ELO, ArpadVariations on Muss i denn (1950) (Cl, vla)Clarinet, viola & pianoP only-
ENESCO, GDixtuor op 14Nine or more instrumentsS & P-
ERBACH, F KDivertissment Melodieux (2 Fl)Two flutes, cello & pianoP only-
EWAZEN, EricRoaring ForkFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & P-
FARAGO, MarcelDuets, FourTwo cellosP only-
FARKAS, FerencEarly Hungarian DancesFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & P-
FARRENC, LouiseTrio op.45 for piano, flute or violin, and celloFlute, cello & pianoP only-
FARRENC, LouiseTrio, Eb major, op 44Clarinet, cello & pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielApres un ReveCello and pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielDolly, op 56Piano 4 handsP only-
FAURE, GabrielElegieCello and pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielPavanne, op 50 (Fl, ce)Flute, cello & pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielPiano Quartets: op 15 c & op 45 gViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielQuintet, op 89 in d minor2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielRequiemVocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)P only-
FAURE, GabrielSicilienne, op 78Viola and pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielSonataViolin and pianoP only-
FAURE, GabrielString Quartet, op 121Two violins, viola, and celloP only-
FERGUSON, HowardFour Short PiecesClarinet and pianoP only-
FIALA, JosefQuartets, TwoOboe, violin, viola & celloP only-
FIBICH, ZdenekQuintet in D majorClarinet, horn, violin, cello & pianoP only-
FINCKEL, Edwin ABrief EncounterViolin, viola, cello, bass & pianoP onlyP519
FINE, IrvingPartita for Woodwind QuintetFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
FIORILLO, FederigoDuet for Violin and Cello, C, Op 31 No 1Violin and celloP onlyE213
FISCHER, JohannSuite #4, d minorTwo violins, 2 violas, cello & pianoP onlyP61
FISCHER, L FFour Shepherds of Kjolen BergFour flutes (or clarinets)P onlyE43
FOOTE, ArthurA Night Piece (Flute)Flute & string quartetP onlyE55
FOOTE, ArthurA Night Piece: Flute and String OrchestraStr Or: Solo fluteS & PE95
FOOTE, ArthurScherzo (Flute & String Quartet)Flute & string quartetS & PE55
FOSTER, StephenA Village FestivalQuartet of winds & stringsP onlyE45
FRANCK, CesarPiano Quintet, f minor2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoS & PP513
FRANCK, CesarSonataViolin and pianoP onlyP211
FRANCK, CesarString Quartet, DTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
FRANKEL, BenjaminQuartet for Piano & Strings, op 26Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
FREDERICK the GreatSymphony #2, GString OrchestraS & PE94
FRIEDMAN, GaryRondo GiocosoOb, cl, bs, hn & pianoP onlyP53
FRITZ, WilliamDuoFlute & clarinetP onlyE23
FRITZ, WilliamQuartet for Flute and StringsFlute, violin, viola & celloS & PE451
FRUEHLING, CarlTrio in a minor for piano, clarinet & cello, op 40Clarinet, cello & pianoP onlyP35
FUCHS, RobertQuintet in Eb major, op 102Clarinet & string quartetP onlyE55
FUCHS, RobertTerzett, op 61 #2Two violins and violaP onlyE312
GABRIELLI, GiovanniSonata for two violins, viola and piano2 violins, viola, and pianoP onlyP41
GADE, NilsPhantasiestucke, op 43Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
GAUBERT, PhilippeSerenade (#3 of Three Water Colors) (Fl, ce)Flute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
GAUBERT, PhilippeTrois AquarellesFlute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
GEBAUER, EtienneDuo Concertante, op 16 #3Clarinet & violinP onlyE25
GERSHWIN, GeorgeFive Songs for String QuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
GERSHWIN, GeorgeLullabyTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
GERSHWIN, GeorgePreludesPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
GIBBONS, OrlandoFantasy #3Three violasP onlyE315
GLAZUNOV, A, et alString Quartet: Festive MoodsTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
GLAZUNOV, AlexanderCinq Novellettes, op 15Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
GLAZUNOV, AlexanderQuatuor Slave, op 26Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
GLAZUNOV, AlexanderReverie op 242 Horns, vln, 2 vla, celloS & PE65
GLIERE, ReinholdDuets, Ten, op 53 (Vols I&II)Two cellosP onlyE216
GLIERE, ReinholdSix Pieces, op 41Two pianosP onlyP202
GLIERE, ReinholdString Quartet #2, g, op 20Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
GLUCK, Christoph WSonata No. 2, g minor (2 vln & piano)Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
GOLTERMANN, GeorgRomance, op 119 no 1Four cellosP onlyE417
GOLTERMANN, GeorgSerenade, op 119 no 2Four cellosP onlyE417
GOODMAN, JosephJadis III (In Days of Yore)Wind duetS & PE23
GOUNOD, CharlesPetite Suitefl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bs, 2 hnP onlyE93
GOUNOD, CharlesWaltz from FaustTwo pianos 8 handsP onlyP208
GRAINGER, PercyHandel in the Strand (Clog Dance)Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
GRAINGER, PercyWalking Tune (Room-Music Tit-Bits # 3)Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
GRAUN, Karl HTrio (score for 3 clarinets)Three clarinetsP onlyE33
GRAUN, Karl HTrios #1 in D, #2 in EWind trioS & PE33
GRAUPNER, ChristophConcerto #35, e minor (2 flutes)Str Or: Soli: Two flutesS & PE95
GRAY, JerryA String of PearlsFlute, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE333
GREENBERG, Noah (ed)Anth: English Medieval & Renaissance Vocal MusVocal duets; no piano (Mult copies)P onlyV20
GREENBERG, Noah (ed)Anthology of Elizabethan Lute SongsVocal quartet; piano (Mult copies)P onlyV42
GRETCHANINOFF, AString Quartet #4, op 124Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
GRIEG, EdvardHeart Wounds & Last Spring, op 34String OrchestraS & PE94
GRIEG, EdvardHolberg Suite, op 40String OrchestraS & PE94
GRIEG, EdvardSonata (Violin) # 3, op 45, c minorViolin and pianoP onlyP211
GRIEG, EdvardSonata, op 13Violin and pianoP onlyP211
GRIEG, EdvardString Quartet, F (1891)Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
GRIEG, EdvardString Quartet, g minor, op 27Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
GROFE, FerdeTable d`HoteFlute, violin & violaP onlyE35
GRUETZMACHER, FriedrichFour cellosS & PE417
GUILLEMAIN, Louis GSonata for 4 inst, G, op 12 no 1Flute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
GURLITT,CorneliusRondo in D, op 175 No.1Two pianosP onlyP202
HAHN, Michael T (author)Alexander Twilight: Vermont's African-Amer PioneerReference materialRefREF
HAHN, ReynaldoPiano Quintet, f# minor2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
HALL, RichardSuiteViolin and violaP onlyE212
HAMANN, ErichString Quintet (Vc), op 342 violins, viola, and 2 cellosP onlyE513
HANDEL, G FArrival of the Queen of ShebaPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
HANDEL, G FCantata: Nell dolce dell'oblioSoprano voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
HANDEL, G FConcerto (Oboe), g minorStr Or: Solo oboeS & PE95
HANDEL, G FConcerto (Oboe), g minor, and Three SonatasOboe and pianoP onlyP232
HANDEL, G FConcerto Grossos: Op 6, #'s 7, 9, 10 & 11Str Or: Soli: Two violins & celloS & PE95
HANDEL, G FConcertos (Organ) Vols I & IIPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
HANDEL, G FDeutsche ArienVoice, violin, cello & pianoP onlyV16
HANDEL, G FEntrance of the Queen of ShebaCh Or: W(02000) StgsS & PE96
HANDEL, G FGrave and FugueThree cellosP onlyE317
HANDEL, G FHaec est Regina Virginum (Antiphon)Voice & string quartetS & PV14
HANDEL, G FOverture and Andante from Alexander's FeastThree wind/strings and pianoP onlyP45
HANDEL, G FSonata, BbCello and pianoP onlyP213
HANDEL, G FSonata, op 1 #8, c minorOboe and pianoP onlyP232
HANDEL, G FSonata, op 8 #2, g minorViolin, viola, and pianoP onlyP312
HANDEL, G FSonatas (Flute & Piano), e, a, C, g, G, b & FFlute and pianoP onlyP231
HANDEL, G FSonatas (Oboe), c minor & g minorOboe and pianoP onlyP232
HANDEL, G FSonatas (Violin & Piano), #1-6Violin and pianoP onlyP211
HANDEL, G FSonatas (Violin), op 1, #3 and #13 (2 vols)Violin and pianoP onlyP211
HANDEL, G FSonatas: op 2 #'s 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
HANDEL, G FSuite from the Water MusicPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
HANDEL, G FTrio Sonatas, op 5, vols 1, 2 & 32 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
HANDEL, G FWater MusicCh Or: W(12012) 2 tps StgsP onlyE96
HANDEL-HALVORSENPassacaglia for Violin & ViolaViolin and violaP onlyE212
HANDEL-HALVORSENSarabande & VariazioniViolin and violaP onlyE212
HANSON, HowardPastorale (Oboe)Solo oboe, 2vlns, vla, ce, bass & harpS & PE75
HARRIS, RoyPiano Quintet2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
HARUM, GuntherFugue, op 31Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
HAYDN, JosephConcerto (Violin) GStr Or: Solo violinS & PE95
HAYDN, JosephConcerto in DTwo pianosP onlyP202
HAYDN, JosephDivertimento (Flute, Oboe)Fl, ob, 2 vlns, ce, bass & cembP onlyE65
HAYDN, JosephDivertimento (Horn in E flat)Horn, violin & celloS & PE35
HAYDN, JosephDivertimento a tre in EbHorn, violin & celloS & PE35
HAYDN, JosephDivertimento in D (Flute)Flute & string quartetS & PE55
HAYDN, JosephDuet in DViolin and celloS & PE213
HAYDN, JosephDuets, Three, op 99Two violinsP onlyE211
HAYDN, JosephPiano Trios vol 2 of Henle editionViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
HAYDN, JosephPiano Trios, vol 1 of Henle editionViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
HAYDN, JosephPiano Trios: vols 1, 2 & 3: #'s 1-30Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
HAYDN, JosephQuartet (Flute), op 5 #4Flute, violin, viola/cello & pianoP onlyP45
HAYDN, JosephQuartet in B majorOboe, violin, viola & celloP onlyE452
HAYDN, JosephQuartets, op 5 #1-6, Vols 1 & 2 (flute)Flute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
HAYDN, JosephSextet No 14 in Eb (Ob, bn, hn)Six winds and stringsP onlyE65
HAYDN, JosephSinfonie Concertante, Bb, op 84Oboe, bassoon, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP55
HAYDN, JosephSonatas (3) for violin and viola, op 93Violin and violaS & PE212
HAYDN, JosephSonatas for 2 Violins & Piano2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
HAYDN, JosephSonatas for Violin and PianoViolin and pianoP onlyP211
HAYDN, JosephString Quartets: vols 1-4, #'s 1-83Two violins, viola, and celloSome SE412
HAYDN, JosephString Quintet: Cassation in G2 violins, 2 violas, and celloS & PE512
HAYDN, JosephString Trios, op 32 & 53Violin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
HAYDN, JosephSymphonies, Twelve - Book I: #1-6Piano 4 handsP onlyP204
HAYDN, JosephSymphony #104 (London)Ch Or: W(22222) StgsS & PE96
HAYDN, JosephSymphony No 85, La Reine, AdagioEight windsS & PE83
HAYDN, JosephToy SymphonyStrg Or: Soli: ToysS & PE95
HAYDN, JosephTrios (12) vols 1 & 2Two violins and violaP onlyE312
HAYDN, JosephTrios (6)Flute, violin & celloP onlyE35
HAYDN, JosephTrios for Flute, Cello and PianoFlute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
HAYDN, JosephTrios, (London)Two flutes & celloP onlyE35
HAYDN, MichaelString Quintet, C, op 882 violins, 2 violas, and celloP onlyE512
HAZZARD, PeterSerenade of Clarinet and Piano Quartet, op 68Clarinet, violin, viola, cello & pianoP onlyP55
HENNESSY, SwanTrio, op 70Flute, bassoon & violinP onlyE35
HERBERT, VictorMarch of the ToysTwo pianos 8 handsP onlyP208
HERZOGENBERG, HTrio for piano, oboe and horn, op 61, DOboe, horn & pianoP onlyP33
HINDEMITH, PaulAbendkonzert # 4Clarinet, violin, viola & celloP onlyE453
HINDEMITH, PaulAbendkonzert #2 (Ploner Musiktag)Flute, violin, viola & celloS & PE451
HINDEMITH, PaulEight Pieces for String Orchestra, op 44,#3String OrchestraP onlyE94
HINDEMITH, PaulFive Pieces for String Orchestra, op 44,#4String OrchestraS & PE94
HINDEMITH, PaulKleine Kammermusik, op 24 #2Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
HINDEMITH, PaulQuartett (Clarinet)Clarinet, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
HINDEMITH, PaulQuintet (Clarinet - Bb and Eb)Clarinet & string quartetP onlyE55
HINDEMITH, PaulSerenade, op 35Voice, oboe, viola & celloP onlyV14
HINDEMITH, PaulSonata (1939)Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
HINDEMITH, PaulString Quartet #5, E flatTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
HINDEMITH, PaulTrauermusik (Viola and Piano or Str Orch)Viola (or ce/vln) and piano (or St Orch)S & PP212
HINDEMITH, PaulZwei DuetteClarinet & violinP onlyE25
HOFFMEISTER, FranzConcerto, G majorFlute and pianoP onlyP231
HOFFMEISTER, FranzTerzetto ScholasticoViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
HOLDEMAN, ChuckBagatelleVoice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
HOLDEMAN, ChuckOlympic SuiteTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
HOLST, GustaveTerzettoFlute, oboe & violaP onlyE35
HONNEGER, ArthurSonatine (Violin and Cello)Violin and celloP onlyE213
HOUGH, PhillipAndante (Alexander)Violin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
HOVHANESS, AlanDivertimentoFlute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
HUMMEL, Johann NPiano Trios: Op 12,22,35,65,83,93,& 96Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
HUMMEL, Johann NQuartet, B flatClarinet, violin, viola & celloP onlyE453
HUMMEL, Johann NSeptet, op 74Fl, ob, hn, vla, ce, bass and pianoP onlyP79
HUSA, KarelEvocations de Slovaquie (Cl/Fl, Vla, Ce)Three wind and stringed instrumentsS & PE35
HYE-KNUTSENQuatuor, op 3Flute, oboe, violin & celloP onlyE45
IBERT, JacquesAriaFlute, violin & pianoP onlyP35
IBERT, JacquesDeux Interludes (Fl, vln)Flute, violin & pianoP onlyP35
IBERT, JacquesFive Pieces for TrioOboe, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE334
IBERT, JacquesString QuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
IBERT, JacquesTrois Pieces BrevesFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
IRELAND, JohnSextet for Cl, Hn and String QuartetCl, hn, and string quartetS & PE65
IVES, CharlesString Quartet #2Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
JACOB, GordonDivertimento, Eb, 2ob, 2cl, 2 bn, 2hn2 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsS & PE83
JACOB, GordonFour FanciesFlute, violin, viola & celloS & PE451
JACOB, GordonOld Wine in New BottlesNine or more instrumentsS & PE9
JACOB, GordonQuartet for Oboe and StringsOboe, violin, viola & celloS & PE452
JACOB, GordonQuintet for Clarinet and StringsClarinet & string quartetP onlyE55
JACOB, GordonSextetFl, ob, cl, bs, hn & pianoS & PP63
JACOB, GordonSonatina for Two ViolasTwo violasP onlyE214
JACOB, GordonSuite for Bassoon and Str QuartetBassoon & string quartetS & PE55
JACOB, GordonThree SongsVoice & clarinetP onlyV14
JACOB, GordonTrio, Bb, for Oboe, Clarinet and BassoonOboe, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE334
JACOB, GordonWind Quintet no. 1 (Serenade)Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
JANACEK, LeosString Quartets Nos.1&2Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
JANACEK, LeosSuiteString OrchestraS & PE94
JANACEK, LeosThree Moravian DancesFlute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
JOLIVET, AndreChant de LinosFlute, violin, viola, cello & pianoS & PP55
JOPLIN, ScottRagtime Classics (arr. Zukofsky)Violin and pianoP onlyP211
JOPLIN, ScottSolace (arr, Stephen Korbet)Oboe, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE334
JOPLIN, ScottTwo Joplin Rags for 3-5 woodwindsWind trioS & PE33
KARG-ELERT, SigfridJugend-Musik, op 139aThree winds and pianoP onlyP43
KHACHATURIAN, AramTrio (Cl, vln)Clarinet, violin & pianoP onlyP35
KLENGEL, Julius2 Pieces op 5 (Serenade,Humoresque)Four cellosP onlyE417
KLENGEL, JuliusImpromptu, op 30Four cellosP onlyE417
KLUGHARDT, AugustQuintet, op 79Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
KODALY, ZoltanSerenade, op 12Two violins and violaP onlyE312
KODALY, ZoltanString Quartet no 2, op 45Two violins, viola, and celloS onlyE413
KOECHLIN, CharlesDeux Nocturnes op 32 bisFlute, horn & pianoP onlyP33
KOECHLIN, CharlesTrio d'anchesOboe, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE334
KOPLOW, PhilipJoy in Between: In Memoriam Damaris Lee JacksonSix stringsS & PE61
KORBET, StephenAdagio for Chris (in memory of Christine Weber)Two clarinets and bassoonS & PE335
KORBET, StephenCanon for Three Parts (vln, vla, cello)Violin, viola, and celloS & PE314
KORBET, StephenCanon for Three Parts No. 2 (ob, cl, bn)Oboe, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE334
KORBET, StephenCanon for Two Alto Recorders with BassThree recordersS & PE338
KORBET, StephenCanon, 51-measure, for Two CellosTwo cellosS & PE216
KORBET, StephenDuet for Violin and Viola (alt cello or bassoon)Violin and violaS & PE212
KORBET, StephenEight Variations on a GroundFour recordersS & PE43
KORBET, StephenFrosty: Double Canon for Fl, Ob, Bb Cl, BnFlute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
KORBET, StephenMystery Duet for Flute and BassoonWind duetS & PE23
KORBET, StephenTwo Duets for Flute and ViolinOne wind & one stringed instrumentS & PE25
KORNGOLD, ErichPiano Trio, op 1Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
KOUGUELL, ArkadieTaquinerieTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
KRAUS (ed)European Madrigals for Equal VoicesVocal trio; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV30
KRAUS (ed)European Madrigals for Mixed VoicesVocal trio; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV30
KREISLER, FritzCompositions and arrangements (5), vln & pianoViolin and pianoP onlyP211
KREISLER, FritzString Quartet, a minorTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
KREISLER, FritzTwo old Viennese Dances Liebesleid, Liebesfreude)Four cellosS & PE417
KREUZER, ConradQuintet, A major (Fl, cl)Flute, clarinet, viola, cello & pianoP onlyP55
KREUZER, RudolfTrioFlute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
KUMMER, GDuets, Three, op 22Two cellosP onlyE216
KUMMER, GTrio, F, op 32Flute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
LALO, EdouardTrio, No. 1, c minor, op 7Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
LANGENUS, GustaveMethod for Clarinet, part 3Two treble woodwindsP onlyE23
LARGENT, Edward J.Woodwind Quintet No. 2Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
LECLAIR, Jean-MarieSonata, D majorViolin, viola, and pianoP onlyP312
LECLAIR, Jean-MarieSonatas, op 5 # 1-12Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
LECLAIR, Jean-MarieSonatas, Six for Two ViolinsTwo violinsP onlyE211
LECLAIR, Jean-MarieTrio Sonata, op 8 #2Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
LEE, SebastianDuets, op 36 & 37Two cellosP onlyE216
LeFEBVRE, CharlesSuite for Woodwind Quintet, op 57Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
LeFEVRE, Jean XavierSonata, g minorClarinet and pianoP onlyP233
LEWIS, HelenVMAC SongReference materialRefREF
LIEURANCE, ThurlowRomance in AViolin and pianoP onlyP211
LOCATELLI, PietroSonata, D majorFlute and pianoP onlyP231
LOCATELLI, PietroTrio in G major, op 3 no 1Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
LOEILLET, Jean BSonata in E minorTwo flutes & pianoP onlyP33
LOEILLET, Jean BSonata, c minor (Fl, ob)Flute, oboe & pianoP onlyP33
LOEILLET, Jean BSonata, op 3 #3, F (Fl, ce)Flute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
LOEILLET, Jean BSonate a Quatre, b minorViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
LOEILLET, Jean BTrio Sonata (2 Fl)Two flutes & pianoP onlyP33
LOTTI, AntonioSonata (Flute)Flute, viola, cello & pianoP onlyP45
MAHLER, GustavPiano Quartet (first edition, 1876)Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
MALIPIERO, G FString Quartet #4Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
MARCELLO, BendettoSonata, e minorViola and pianoP onlyP212
MARCELLO, BendettoSonatas (Six)Cello and pianoP onlyP213
MARTIN, FrankQuatre Sonnets a CassandreVoice, flute, viola & celloP onlyV14
MARTINU, BohuslavBergerettesViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
MARTINU, BohuslavMadrigals, ThreeViolin and violaP onlyE212
MARTINU, BohuslavPromenades (Fl, vln)Flute, violin & pianoP onlyP35
MARTINU, BohuslavSerenata 2Two violins and violaP onlyE312
MARTINU, BohuslavTrio (flute, violin)Flute, violin & pianoP onlyP35
MARTINU, BohuslavTrio for Flute, Cello and PianoFlute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
MASON, Daniel GSerenade, op 31Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
MAYR, G SimoneTwelve BagatellesFlute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
MENDELSSOHN, FelixConcert Piece for 2 Clarinets and PianoTwo winds & pianoP onlyP33
MENDELSSOHN, FelixIt is EnoughVoice, piano & various obligatiS & PV16
MENDELSSOHN, FelixOctet, op 20, E flatDouble string quartetS & PE812
MENDELSSOHN, FelixOriginal Compositions for Piano DuetPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
MENDELSSOHN, FelixPiano Quartets, op 1, 2 & 3Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
MENDELSSOHN, FelixPiano Sextet, op 110Violin, 2 violas, cello, bass & pianoP onlyP61
MENDELSSOHN, FelixPiano Trios: op 49 in d & op 66 in cViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
MENDELSSOHN, FelixSinfonia IX, c minorString OrchestraS & PE94
MENDELSSOHN, FelixSixteen Two-Part SongsVocal duets with pianoP onlyV22
MENDELSSOHN, FelixSonata, E flatClarinet and pianoP onlyP233
MENDELSSOHN, FelixString Quartets, op 12, 13, 44, 80, 81Two violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
MENDELSSOHN, FelixString Quintets, op 18 & 872 violins, 2 violas, and celloSome SE512
MENDELSSOHN, FelixSymphony No. 4 (Italian), A major, op 90Ch Or: W(22222) 2 trps T StgsP onlyE96
MESSIAEN, OlivierO sacrum convivium!Vocal quartet; piano (Mult copies)P onlyV42
MEYER, SigtenhorstTrio, op 49Flute, violin & violaP onlyE35
MILHAUD, DariusLa Cheminee du Roi ReneFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
MILHAUD, DariusPastoraleOboe, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE334
MILHAUD, DariusScaramoucheTwo pianosP onlyP202
MILHAUD, DariusSonatine a TroisViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
MILHAUD, DariusSonatine pour Violin et AltoViolin and violaP onlyE212
MILHAUD, DariusString Quartets: Nos 3, 7, 9, 12, 14 & 15Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
MILHAUD, DariusSuite (Cl, vln)Clarinet, violin & pianoP onlyP35
MORRIS, Anderson(ed)Duet Album for High & Medium VoicesVocal duets with pianoP onlyV22
MOSCHELES, IgnazFantasy, Variations and Finale, op 46Clarinet, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
MOSZKOWSKI, MoritzSpanish Dance, op 12 #1Two pianosP onlyP208
MOZART, LeopoldDivertimento in G majorFlute, violin & celloP onlyE35
MOZART, LeopoldToy SymphonyStrg Or: Soli: ToysS & PE95
MOZART, W A5 Viennese Serenades, K563Two violins and celloP onlyE313
MOZART, W AAdagio and Allegro K. 594Flute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
MOZART, W AAdagio and Rondo in C, K617 (Glass Harmonica)Flute, oboe, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP55
MOZART, W AAdagio, b, K.540Oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and hornS & PE43
MOZART, W ABassoon ConcertoBassoon and pianoP onlyP234
MOZART, W ABatti, Batti, O Bel MasettoVoice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
MOZART, W ACassazione, E flatOboe, clarinet, bassoon, and hornP onlyE43
MOZART, W AChurch Sonata2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
MOZART, W AClarinet concerto K622 (Bb)Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
MOZART, W AComplete String QuartetsDover ScoreAll PREF
MOZART, W AConcertante, D, K448Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
MOZART, W AConcertantes Quartet, KV Anh 9Ob, cl, bs, hn & pianoP onlyP53
MOZART, W AConcertantes Quartet, KV Anh.9Ch Or: Soli: O C B H W(02002) StgsS & PE97
MOZART, W AConcerto (Clarinet) K622, AClarinet and pianoP onlyP233
MOZART, W AConcerto (Clarinet), K622, ACh Or: Solo clarinet W(11011) StgsP onlyE97
MOZART, W AConcerto (Horn) no 1, D, K412Horn and pianoP onlyP235
MOZART, W AConcerto (Horn) no 1, D, K412Ch Or: Solo horn W(02020) StngsS & PE97
MOZART, W AConcerto (Horn), no 4, Eb, K495Ch Or: Solo horn W(02002) StngsS & PE97
MOZART, W AConcerto (Piano), no 14, Eb, K449Ch Or: Solo piano W(02020) StngsS & PE97
MOZART, W AConcerto (Piano), no 23, A, K488Ch Or: Solo piano W(10222) 2tps T StgsS & PE97
MOZART, W AConcerto (violin) no. 5, ACh Or: Solo violin W(02002) Stngs Orch parts onlyP onlyE97
MOZART, W AConcerto, Bassoon, Bb, K. 191Ch Or: Solo bassoon W(02002) StgsP onlyE97
MOZART, W AConcertone in CTwo violins and pianoP onlyP311
MOZART, W AConcertos for Cembalo, G and Eb, K107 (2vol)2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
MOZART, W ACountry Dances, SixString OrchestraS & PE94
MOZART, W ADivertimenti, K 136, 137, 138String OrchestraS & PE94
MOZART, W ADivertimenti, K 136, 137, 138Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
MOZART, W ADivertimenti: #'s 1, 2 & 3 (all B flat)Two clarinets and bassoonP onlyE335
MOZART, W ADivertimento #17 in D, K 334 (2 Hn)Two horns & string quartetP onlyE65
MOZART, W ADivertimento for String Trio, K 563, E flatViolin, viola, and celloS & PE314
MOZART, W ADivertimento No 1, Bb, (Anh. 229) K 438aFlute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
MOZART, W ADuets (Twelve) for Violin & ViolaViolin and violaP onlyE212
MOZART, W ADuets for Violin & Viola, K 423 & 424Violin and violaP onlyE212
MOZART, W AEine Kleine NachtmusikTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
MOZART, W AEine Kleine NachtmusikPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
MOZART, W AExsultate, Jubilate Motet K165Soprano voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
MOZART, W AFantasia in f, K. 604Flute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
MOZART, W AGerman Dances, Parts 1 & 2Two violinsP onlyE211
MOZART, W AGerman Dances, Salzburger Menuets, LandlersTwo violins and celloS & PE313
MOZART, W AGrande Sestetto Concertante (trans. of K364)2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosP onlyE612
MOZART, W AL'amero, saro costante (from Il Re Pastore)Soprano voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
MOZART, W ALe Nozze di Figaro vol 12 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsS & PE83
MOZART, W ALe Nozze di Figaro Vol 22 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsS & PE83
MOZART, W ANocturnes, SixThree voices & 3 bassett horns/clarinetsP onlyV34
MOZART, W ANon piu di fiori (Titus)Voice, piano & bassett horn/clarinetP onlyV16
MOZART, W AOriginal Compositions for Piano Four HandsPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
MOZART, W AOverture to the Magic Flute, K. 620Ch Or: W(22222) 2trp 3tbn TS & PE96
MOZART, W AOvertures, for Piano DuetPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
MOZART, W AParto, partoVoice, piano & clarinetP onlyV16
MOZART, W APiano Quartets, #1-5Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
MOZART, W APiano Quartets, K 478, g minor; K 493, E flatViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
MOZART, W APiano Quintet, K 452, E flatOb, cl, bs, hn & pianoP onlyP53
MOZART, W APiano Trios #1-8Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
MOZART, W APreludes & Fugues (Four), K 404aViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
MOZART, W AQuartet (Clarinet), B flat, K.317dClarinet, violin, viola & celloP onlyE453
MOZART, W AQuartet (Oboe), K 370, FOboe, violin, viola & celloP onlyE452
MOZART, W AQuartets (Flute), K 285, 285b, 298Flute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
MOZART, W AQuintet (Clarinet), K 581, AClarinet & string quartetS & PE55
MOZART, W AQuintet (Horn), K 407Horn, violin, 2 violas & celloS & PE55
MOZART, W AQuintet K. 406 (arr. for winds)Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
MOZART, W ARondoViolin and pianoP onlyP211
MOZART, W ASerenade, K388, c minor2 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsS & PE83
MOZART, W ASerenade, no 11, K375, Eb2 oboes,2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 hornsP onlyE83
MOZART, W ASinfonie ConcertanteCh Or: Solo violin, viola W(02002) StgsS & PE97
MOZART, W ASonata for Bassoon & Cello, K 292Two cellosP onlyE216
MOZART, W ASonata in D and Fugue in c minorTwo pianosP onlyP202
MOZART, W ASonatas (18) for Piano & ViolinViolin and pianoP onlyP211
MOZART, W ASonatas, Three (Duets)Flute & clarinetP onlyE23
MOZART, W ASonatas, Violin, Vol 1 #1-12Violin and pianoP onlyP211
MOZART, W ASonatas, Violin, Vol 2 #13-21Violin and pianoP onlyP211
MOZART, W ASonatinas, ViennesePiano 4 handsP onlyP204
MOZART, W AString Quartet, B flat, K Anh IV # 210Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
MOZART, W AString Quartets, vol 1: # 1 - 10Two violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
MOZART, W AString Quartets, vol 2: #11 - 27Two violins, viola, and celloSome SE412
MOZART, W AString Quintets, vol 1: K 406,515,516,593,6142 violins, 2 violas, and celloAll SE512
MOZART, W AString Quintets, vol 2: K 46,174,179,407,5812 violins, 2 violas, and celloSome SE512
MOZART, W ASymphonie Concertante, K 364Violin, viola, and pianoP onlyP312
MOZART, W ASymphony #29, K 201, ACh Or: W(02002) StgsS & PE96
MOZART, W ASymphony #40, K 550, g minorCh Or: W(12222) StgsS & PE96
MOZART, W AThe Village Musicians (Musical Joke), K 522Two horns & string quartetS & PE65
MOZART, W AVier SpiegelkanonsTwo violinsP onlyE211
MUCZYNSKI, RobertFantasy TrioClarinet, cello & pianoP onlyP35
MUCZYNSKI, RobertFragments for Woodwind TrioFlute, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE333
MULLER, PaulQuintet #1, E flatFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
MULLER, PaulString Quintet, op 22 violins, 2 violas, and celloP onlyE512
MYSLIVICEK, JosephTrio, op 1 #4, B flat (Flute)Flute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
NAUMANN, Johann GTerzett, E flatTwo violins and violaP onlyE312
NELHYBEL, VDuets, FourTwo treble woodwindsP onlyE23
NIELSEN, CarlQuintet, op 43Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
NIELSEN, CarlString Quartet, op 44, FTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
NIELSEN, Erik3 Songs from 12th Night (1. O Mistress Mine)Vocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)S & PV46
NIELSEN, Erik3 Songs from 12th Night (1. O Mistress Mine)Vocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)S & PE519
NIELSEN, Erik3 Songs from 12th Night (2. Come Away Death)Vocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)S & PE519
NIELSEN, Erik3 Songs from 12th Night (2. Come Away Death)Vocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)S & PV46
NIELSEN, Erik3 Songs from 12th Night (3.When That I Was...Vocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)S & PE519
NIELSEN, Erik3 Songs from 12th Night (3.When That I WasVocal quartet; piano & other inst(s)S & PV46
O'HEARN, ArlettaJazz Theme and Variations for Two PianosTwo pianosP onlyP202
OLIVADOTI, JosephDivertimentoFlute, oboe, and clarinetP onlyE332
OLSEN, SparreSuite for 3 treblasereFlute, oboe, and clarinetP onlyE332
OSTRANSKY, LeroyTrio, g minorFlute, oboe, and clarinetP onlyE332
PACHELBEL, JohannCanonString OrchestraS & PE94
PACHELBEL, JohannKanon and GigueThree violins, viola cello piano(organ)P onlyP61
PALMER, HowardHappy Birthday VariationsTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
PEETERS, FlorTrio, op 80Flute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
PEPPING, ErnestString Quartet (1945)Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
PEPUSCH, John CSonateThree wind/strings and pianoP onlyP45
PERERA, RonaldWhy I Wake Early (2. Summer Poem)SATB Chorus; piano & string quartetS & PV46
PERGOLESI, GiovanniConcertinos nos 1 & 2 (of 6)Six stringsP onlyE61
PERGOLESI, GiovanniStabat MaterVocal duets with pianoP onlyV22
PERGOLESI, GiovanniTrio #1, G2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
PERGOLESI, GiovanniTrio Sonata # 3, in G2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
PERSICHETTI, VincentPastoral, op 21Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
PFITZNER, HansPiano Quintet, op 232 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
PHILLIPS, BurrillSerenadePiano 4 handsP onlyP204
PIAZZOLLA, AstorPrimavera PortenaViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
PIERNE, GabrielPreludio & Fughetta, op 40 no 1Seven windsP onlyE73
PISTON, WalterThree PiecesFlute, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE333
PITFIELD, ThomasSuite: A Keele GarlandString OrchestraP onlyE94
PLEYEL, Ignaz JDuets, Six LittleTwo clarinetsP onlyE23
PLEYEL, Ignaz JDuos op 23 & 48Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
PLEYEL, Ignaz JTrios, Three, op 11Violin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
POPPER, DavidRequiem, op 66Three celli & pianoP onlyP41
PORTER, QuincyQuintet (Oboe), ElegaicOboe & string quartetP onlyE55
POULENC, FrancisNovelette in C majorFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
POULENC, FrancisO Magnum MysteriumVocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP onlyV40
POULENC, FrancisSextetFl, ob, cl, bs, hn & pianoS & PP63
POULENC, FrancisSonataHorn, trumpet & tromboneP onlyE339
POULENC, FrancisSonata (1962)Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
POULENC, FrancisTrio (Ob, bs)Two winds & pianoP onlyP33
PROKOFIEV, SergeiHebrew Overture, op 34Clarinet, string quartet & pianoP onlyP65
PROKOFIEV, SergeiMarch from The Love of Three OrangesTwo pianosP onlyP202
PROKOFIEV, SergeiSonata No 1, f minor, op 80Violin and pianoP onlyP211
PROKOFIEV, SergeiSonata op. 94a, D majorViolin and pianoP onlyP211
PROKOFIEV, SergeiString Quartets: #1, op 50 & #2, op 92Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
PROKOFIEV, SergeiThe Montagues and the CapuletsTwo pianosP onlyP202
PROKOFIEV, SergeiVisions Fugitives, Op. 22Flute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonP onlyE43
PUCCINI, GiacomoChrysanthemumsTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
PUCCINI, GiacomoString Quartets, Vol. I (in D and F)Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
PURCELL, HenryChaconne, FRecorder and pianoP onlyP238
PURCELL, HenryChacony in g minorTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
PURCELL, HenryDido and Aeneas, an opera in three actsSolo voices SATB, chor & Strings (piano) vocal parts in V56S & PV86
PURCELL, HenryHow Pleasant is This Flowery Plain and GroveVocal duets,piano & various insts-P onlyV26
PURCELL, HenryMusic from AbdelazarString OrchestraS & PE94
PURCELL, HenryTrio Sonata # 9, (Golden Sonata)2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
PURCELL, HenryTrio Sonatas, Six2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
QUILTER, RogerThree Pastoral SongsVoice, violin, cello & pianoS & PV16
RAASTEDSerenade, op 40Flute, oboe, viola & celloP onlyE45
RACHMANINOFF, SergeiItalian PolkaPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
RACHMANINOFF, SergeiSuite No 2 op 17Two pianosP onlyP202
RACHMANINOFF, SergeiSuite No. 1, op. 5 (Fantasy)Two pianosP onlyP202
RACHMANINOFF, SergeiTrio Elegiaque, op 9Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
RACHMANINOFF, SergeiVocalise, op 34 #14 (Flute)Flute & string quartetS & PE55
RAMEAU, John PhilipDeuxieme ConcertPiano violin and gambaP onlyP319
RAVEL, MauriceChansons MadecassesAlto voice, piano & various obligatiP onlyV16
RAVEL, MauriceIntroduction and AllegroFl, cl, 2 vlns, vla, cello & harpS onlyE75
RAVEL, MauricePavanne for a Dead PrincessCh Or: W(22224) 2FlglHn 3Tbn T Vibe StgsS & PE96
RAVEL, MauricePavanne pour une infante defunteCh Or: W(22222) StgsS & PE96
RAVEL, MauricePiano TrioViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
RAVEL, MauriceSites AuriculairesTwo pianosP onlyP202
RAVEL, MauriceString Quartet, FTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
REGER, MaxQuintet (Clarinet), op 146, A majorClarinet & string quartetP onlyE55
REGER, MaxSerenades, op 77 & 141Flute, violin & violaP onlyE35
REGER, MaxSonatas: op 49 #1 in A, #2 in f#; op 107 in BbClarinet and pianoP onlyP233
REGER, MaxTrio, op 141BViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
REICHA, Anton18 Variations and FantasyFlute, violin & celloP onlyE35
REICHA, AntonQuintet, hn & str quartet, op 106Horn & string quartetS & PE55
REICHA, AntonQuintet, op 88 #2, E flatFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
REINECKE, CarlOctet, op 216Eight windsS & PE83
REINECKE, CarlTrio in A major, op 188Oboe, horn & pianoP onlyP33
REINECKE, CarlTrio in A major, op 264Clarinet, viola & pianoP onlyP35
REINECKE, CarlTrio in Bb major, op 274Clarinet, horn & pianoP onlyP33
REITER, AlbertKleine SuiteTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
RESPHIGHI, OttorinoIl TramontoVoice & string quartetP onlyV14
RESPHIGHI, OttorinoQuartetto Dorico (1924)Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
REYNOLDS, JohnFirst Air (from Airs and Dances)Flute & clarinetP onlyE23
RICHTER, Fr. XString Quartet, op 5, #1, CTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
RIES, FerdinandQuartet, A major, op 145 no. 3Flute, violin, viola & celloS & PE451
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, NPiano Quintet, B flatFl, cl, bs, hn & pianoP onlyP53
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, NString Sextett, A, op posth (1876)2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosP onlyE612
ROGERS, BernardBalladeBassoon, viola and pianoP onlyP35
ROLLA, AlessandroDuets, ThreeTwo violasP onlyE214
ROMBERG, Andreas J.Quintet op 57Clarinet & string quartetP onlyE55
ROREM, NedMourning SceneVoice & string quartetP onlyV14
ROREM, NedTrio (Fl, ce)Flute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
ROSS, RobertSonnet XX (James Agee: Now Stands Our Love)Voice, flute & string quartetP onlyV14
ROSSITrio Sonata, d minor2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
ROSSINI, GioacchinoDuet for Two CatsVocal duets with pianoP onlyV22
ROSSINI, GioacchinoLa Cambiale di MatrimonioCh Or: W(12212) StgsS & PE96
ROSSINI, GioacchinoSonata, CTwo violins, cello & bassS & PE413
ROSSINI, GioacchinoString Quartet #3, B flatTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
ROSSINI, GioacchinoWillam Tell OverturePiano 4 handsP onlyP204
ROUSSEL, AlbertString Quartet, op 45, DTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
ROWLEY, AlecMiniature ConcertoTwo pianosP onlyP202
RUBINSTEIN, AntonString Quartet, c minor, op 17 #2Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
RUNNING, ArneAria and QuodlibetFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
SAINT-SAENS, CamilleAllegro AppassionataCh Or: Solo cello W(22222) StgsS & PE97
SAINT-SAENS, CamilleCaprice on Danish and Russian Airs, op 79Flute, oboe, clarinet & pianoP onlyP43
SAINT-SAENS, CamilleLes Fleurs et les ArbresVocal quartet SATB & pianoP onlyV42
SAINT-SAENS, CamilleString Quatuor, op 112Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
SAINT-SAENS, CamilleTrio no.1, F, op 18Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SAINT-SAENS, CamilleVariations on a Theme by Beethoven op 35Two pianosP onlyP202
SAMMARTINI, GSonata, op 1 #3, E flat2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
SCARLATTI, AlessandroSonatas (Three) for cello and pianoCello and pianoP onlyP213
SCARLATTI, DomenicoSonatas (3) for 2 Flutes and viola/cello/bassoonTwo flutes & violaP onlyE35
SCHICKELE, PeterSerenade for ThreeClarinet, violin & pianoP onlyP35
SCHICKELE, PeterSeven Bagatelles for Woodwind QuartetFlute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
SCHMIDT, FranzQuintet, B flat (Clarinet)Clarinet, violin, viola, cello & pianoP onlyP55
SCHOENBERG, ArnoldQuintetFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
SCHOENBERG, ArnoldString Quartet #2Voice & string quartetS & PV14
SCHOENBERG, ArnoldVerklarte Nacht, op 42 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosS & PE612
SCHUBERT, FranzAch, was hatten wir empfundenVoice, piano & oboeP onlyV16
SCHUBERT, FranzAdagio and Rondo, FViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
SCHUBERT, FranzAuf dem Strom, op 110Soprano, piano & hornP onlyV16
SCHUBERT, FranzComplete Chamber Music for StringsDover ScoreSome PREF
SCHUBERT, FranzDer Hirt auf dem FelsenVoice, piano & clarinetP onlyV16
SCHUBERT, FranzFantasia in C major, op 159Violin and pianoP onlyP211
SCHUBERT, FranzIntroduction and Variations, op 160Flute and pianoP onlyP231
SCHUBERT, FranzLittle Symphony for WindsNine or more instrumentsS & PE9
SCHUBERT, FranzMarchesPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
SCHUBERT, FranzMass in GVocal quartet & Ch Or (Vocal pts in V42)P onlyV44
SCHUBERT, FranzMass in GVocal quartet SATB & pianoP onlyV42
SCHUBERT, FranzMusic for Piano 4 Hands, vol 2Piano 4 handsP onlyP204
SCHUBERT, FranzNocturne, op 148, E flatViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SCHUBERT, FranzOctet, op 166, F majorCl, bs, hn, 2 vlns, vla, cello & bassS & PE85
SCHUBERT, FranzOffertorium, op 46Voice, piano & clarinetP onlyV16
SCHUBERT, FranzOriginal Compositions for Piano DuetPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
SCHUBERT, FranzPiano Quintet, op 114, A (Trout)Violin, viola, cello, bass & pianoS & PP519
SCHUBERT, FranzPiano Trios opp 99, 100, 148Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SCHUBERT, FranzPiano Trios, op 99, 100Violin, cello, and pianoAll SP313
SCHUBERT, FranzSonata (Duo) in A, op 162, D.574Violin and pianoP onlyP211
SCHUBERT, FranzSonata `Arpegione', a minorViola and pianoP onlyP212
SCHUBERT, FranzSonatina, op 137, D major (viola)Viola and pianoP onlyP212
SCHUBERT, FranzSonatinas, Three, op 137Violin and pianoP onlyP211
SCHUBERT, FranzSongs: Der Mueller und der Bach; HeidenroesleinSolo voice and inst(s) other than pianoS & PV14
SCHUBERT, FranzString Quartets, vol 1: op 29, 125, posth dTwo violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
SCHUBERT, FranzString Quartets, vol 2: op 161,168,posth g,D,cTwo violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
SCHUBERT, FranzString Quintet (Vc), op 163, C2 violins, viola, and 2 cellosS & PE513
SCHUBERT, FranzString Trios: #1 in B flat, #2 in B flatViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
SCHUBERT, FranzSymphony No. 3 in DCh Or: W(22222) 2 trps T StgsS & PE96
SCHUBERT, FranzSymphony No. 5 in BbCh Or: W(12022) StgsS & PE96
SCHUBERT, FranzSymphony No. 6 in C major, D. 589Ch Or: W(22222) 2 trps T StgsP onlyE96
SCHUBERT, FranzWohin?Solo voice and pianoP onlyV12
SCHUMANN, ClaraTrio op 17Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SCHUMANN, RobertAdagio & AllegroViola and pianoP onlyP212
SCHUMANN, RobertChamber Music (P5, P4, 3P3, 3E4)Dover ScoreSome PREF
SCHUMANN, RobertDrei Spanisches Liederspiel op 74Eight wind and stringed instrumentsS & PE85
SCHUMANN, RobertEtudes in Canon Form (Six), op 56Two pianosP onlyP202
SCHUMANN, RobertFairy Tales (Orig clarinet, viola, piano)Violin, viola, and pianoP onlyP312
SCHUMANN, RobertFairy Tales, op 132 (Cl, vla)Clarinet, viola & pianoP onlyP35
SCHUMANN, RobertFantasiestucke, op 73Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
SCHUMANN, RobertPiano Duet, Original Compositions forPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
SCHUMANN, RobertPiano Quartet, op 47, E flatViolin, viola, cello, and pianoS & PP413
SCHUMANN, RobertPiano Quintet, op 44, E flat2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoS & PP513
SCHUMANN, RobertPiano Trios opp. 63, 80, 110Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SCHUMANN, RobertPiano Trios, op 63, 80 & 110Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SCHUMANN, RobertSonatas op 105 and 131Violin and pianoP onlyP211
SCHUMANN, RobertString Quartets, op 41 #1, a, #2, F, #3, ATwo violins, viola, and celloAll SE412
SCHURMANN, GerardQuartet for Piano and StringsViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
SCHWINDL, FriedrichQuartet (Flute)Flute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
SHAW, RobertOrazio Vecchi: Fa Una CanzonaVocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP onlyV40
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriFour WaltzesFlute, clarinet and pianoP onlyP33
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriPiano Quintet, op 572 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriPiano Trios, op 8 & 67Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriString Octet (Prelude & Scherzo), op 11Double string quartetS & PE812
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriString Quartet No. 7Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriString Quartets: Nos 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 & 12Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriImpromptu, op 5String OrchestraS & PE94
SHOSTAKOVICH, DmitriString Quartet, d minor, op 56 Voces IntimaeTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
SMETANA, BedrichPiano Trio, op 15, g minorViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
SMETANA, BedrichRondo, C majorTwo pianosP onlyP202
SMETANA, BedrichString Quartets: #1 e & #2 dTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
SMITH, John ShafferQuintet (Oboe)Oboe & string quartetP onlyE55
SPAUDING, AlbertString Quartet, e minor, op 10Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
SPOHR, LouisDouble Quartet #1, d minor, op 65Double string quartetP onlyE812
SPOHR, LouisDuets, op 3 & 67Two violinsP onlyE211
SPOHR, LouisGerman Songs, Six, op 103Voice, piano & clarinetP onlyV16
SPOHR, LouisGrand NonettoFl, ob, cl, bs, hn, vln, vla, ce & bassP onlyE93
SPOHR, LouisOctet in E, op 32Clar, 2 horns, vln, 2 vlas, cello & bP onlyE85
SPOHR, LouisString Quartets, op 15 #1 & 2Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
SPROUL, Glenni thank You GodVocal quartet SATB; unaccompaniedP onlyV40
STAMITZ, KarlQuartet (Clarinet or oboe), E flat, op 8, #4Clarinet, violin, viola & celloP onlyE453
STAMITZ, KarlQuartet (Oboe or Clarinet), F, op 8 no3Oboe, violin, viola & celloP onlyE452
STAMITZ, KarlQuartet for Woodwinds, op 8 no 2Flute, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE43
STAMITZ, KarlQuartets, Two, op 14Flute, violin, viola & celloP onlyE451
STENHAMMAR, WilhelmString Quartet in f minorTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
STILL, Wm GrantMiniatures for Flute, Oboe, and PianoFlute, oboe & pianoP onlyP33
STRAUSS, RichardMorgen! (op 27 # 4)Voice, violin & pianoP onlyV16
STRAUSS, RichardPiano Quartet, op 13Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
STRAVINSKY, IgorPastoraleFlute, oboe, clarinet, & bassoonS & PE43
STRAVINSKY, IgorRussian Dance from PetrouchkaTwo pianosP onlyP202
STRAVINSKY, IgorSeptetCl, bs, hn, vln, vla, cello & pianoP onlyP75
STRAVINSKY, IgorThree Pieces for String QuartetTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
SUCK, Charles JTrio #1, C majorOboe, violin & celloP onlyE35
SUK, JosefMeditation on an Old Bohemian Choral op 35Two violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
TAFFANEL, PaulQuintetFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
TAILLEFERRE, GermaineSonate pour deux pianosTwo pianosP onlyP202
TAILLEFERRE, GermaineToccata pour deux pianosTwo pianosP onlyP202
TANIEV, AFeuillet D`Album, op 33Viola and pianoP onlyP212
TANIEV, SergeiString Trio in D majorViolin, viola, and celloP onlyE314
TANIEV, SergeiString Trio, op 21, DTwo violins and violaP onlyE312
TARTINI, GiuseppeSonata #2, F majorViola and pianoP onlyP212
TARTINI, GiuseppeSonatas, TwoTwo violins and celloP onlyE313
TARTINI, GiuseppeString Quartet #1, DTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
TARTINI, GiuseppeString Quartet, Two Sonatas forTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
TARTINI, GiuseppeTrio Sonata in D major2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
TARTINI, GiuseppeTrios in D major (2)Two violins and violaP onlyE312
TARTINI, GiuseppeTrios, ThreeTwo violins and pianoP onlyP311
TARTINI, GiuseppeTrios, Two, F and DTwo violins and pianoP onlyP311
TAYLOR (ed)Catch that Catch CanVocal trio; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV30
TAYLOR (ed)Rounds and RoundsVocal trio; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV30
TELEMANN, Georg PAch Herr, strafe mich nicht (Psalm 6)Voice, 2 violins, cello & pianoP onlyV16
TELEMANN, Georg PCanonic Sonatas (6) for two flutesWind duetP onlyE23
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Horn)Horn and pianoS & PP235
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Oboe), d minorOboe and pianoP onlyP232
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Two Violas) in G majorStr Or: Soli: Two violasS & PE95
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Two Violas), G majorTwo violas and pianoP onlyP314
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Viola), G majorViola and pianoP onlyP212
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Viola), G majorStr Or: Solo violaS & PE95
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto (Violin), a minorStr Or: Solo violinS & PE95
TELEMANN, Georg PConcerto in C (4 violins only)Four violinsS & PE411
TELEMANN, Georg PMinuets, SixTwo violins and violaP onlyE312
TELEMANN, Georg PQuartet in d minor (2 Fl)Two flutes, recorder, cello & pianoP onlyP55
TELEMANN, Georg PSonata for Three Violins & ContinuoThree violins & pianoP onlyP411
TELEMANN, Georg PSonata, B flatRecorder & violinP onlyE25
TELEMANN, Georg PSonatas (Flute & Piano), G, c, F, BflatFlute and pianoP onlyP231
TELEMANN, Georg PSonatas, Six CanonicTwo violinsP onlyE211
TELEMANN, Georg PSonatas: in a minor & c minorFlute, oboe, cello & pianoP onlyP45
TELEMANN, Georg PSonatas: In D major & a minorViola and pianoP onlyP212
TELEMANN, Georg PSonate in a minorOne wind & one stringed instrumentP onlyE25
TELEMANN, Georg PSuite for Three ViolinsThree violinsP onlyE311
TELEMANN, Georg PTafelmusik I, Quartet in G majorFlute, oboe, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP55
TELEMANN, Georg PTrio #2 (Flute)Flute, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP45
TERRIRounds for Everyone from EverywhereVocal trio; unaccomp. (Mult copies)P onlyV30
THIERIOT, FerdinandOctetcl, bs, hn, 2vn, vla, ce, bassS & PE85
THOMPSON, RandallString Quartet #1, d minorTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
THOMPSON, RandallSuiteOboe, clarinet & violaP onlyE35
THUILLE, LudwigSextet in Bb, op 6Fl, ob, cl, bs, hn & pianoP onlyP63
TOCH, ErnstGeographical FugueFour voice speaking chorusP onlyV40
TOCH, ErnstSerenade, op 25Two violins and violaS & PE312
TORELLI, GiuseppeKonzert, op 6 #102 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
TraditionalRound: How Great is the PleasureVocal trio; unaccompaniedP onlyV30


Piano Trio, a minorViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313


Russian Folk SongsPiano 4 handsP onlyP204


Serenade for Strings9 string parts S(22221)P onlyE91


Souvenir de Florence, op 702 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellosP onlyE612


String Quartets: op 11, 22 & 30Two violins, viola, and celloS & PE412


The Nutcraker SuiteTwo pianosP onlyP202
TURINA, JoaquinLa Oracion del ToreroTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
TURINA, JoaquinPiano Quatuor, a minorViolin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
TURINA, JoaquinPiano Trio No 1, op 35Violin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
TURINA, JoaquinPiano Trio No 2, op 76, a minorViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
TURINA, JoaquinScene AndalouseSolo viola, string quartet & pianoP onlyP61
VANHAL, Johann BQuartets, op 7 Nos 1 and 2Oboe, violin, viola & celloP onlyE452
VANHAL, Johann BSonata, B flatClarinet and pianoP onlyP233
VANHAL, Johann BTrios, Three, op 20Clarinet, violin & celloP onlyE35
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, REnglish Folksong SuiteCh Or: W(21212) tp trb StgsS & PE96
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RHousehold MusicTwo violins, viola, and celloP onlyE412
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RMerciless Beauty (Three Rondels)Solo voice and inst(s) other than pianoP onlyV14
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RPhantasy Quintet2 violins, 2 violas, and celloS & PE512
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RQuintet in D majorClarinet, horn, violin, cello & pianoP onlyP55
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RRomance for Viola and PianoViola and pianoP onlyP212
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RSix Studies in English FolksongCello and pianoP onlyP213
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, RSix Studies in English Folk-SongClarinet & string quartetS & PE55
VERACINI, F MSonata, e minorViola and pianoP onlyP212
VERDI, GiuseppeString Quartet, e minorTwo violins, viola, and celloS & PE412
VIEUXTEMPS, HenryReverie, op 22 #3Violin and pianoP onlyP211
VILLA-LOBOS, HeitorAssobio a Jato (The Jet Whistle)Flute & celloP onlyE25
VILLA-LOBOS, HeitorBachianas Brasileiras # 5, I. Aria II. DansaSolo voice and pianoS & PV12
VILLA-LOBOS, HeitorBachianas Brasilieras # 5, Sop&celli/pianoSoprano & 8 celliP onlyV14
VILLA-LOBOS, HeitorQuintette en forme de chorosFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
VILLA-LOBOS, HeitorString Quartets Nos. 1, 6, 9Two violins, viola, and celloS onlyE412
VILLA-LOBOS, HeitorTrio for oboe, clarinet, and bassoonOboe, clarinet, and bassoonP onlyE334
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto (2 Oboes), d minor, P 302Two oboes, 2 vlns, vla & continuoS & PE65
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto (2 violins), a minorStr Or: Soli: Two violinsP onlyE95
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto (3 violins), F major3 violins and piano - Opt vla ce bassP onlyP411
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto (4 Violins), B flat4 violins and piano - Opt vla ce bassS & PP511
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto (Bassoon) in Bb La NotteBassoon & string quartetS & PE55
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto (Oboe), d minor, P 259Oboe & string quartetS & PE55
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto for Oboe, F majorOboe and pianoP onlyP232
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto for Viola D`AmoreViola and pianoP onlyP212
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto Grosso, d minor, op 3 no 11Two violins and pianoP onlyP311
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto Grosso, op 3 #11Str Or: Soli: Two violins & celloP onlyE95
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto in D La PastorellaFour winds and pianoP onlyP53
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto in G major: Sinfonia Alla RusticaString OrchestraP onlyE94
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto in g minor (Fl, Ob, Vln, Bs, piano)Four winds and pianoP onlyP53
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto, d minor2 violins, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP513
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto, D, `La pastorella'Flute, oboe, violin, bassoonS & PE45
VIVALDI, AntonioConcerto, F major, P 323 (Fl, ob, bs)Flute, oboe, bassoon, violin & pianoP onlyP55
VIVALDI, AntonioGloria (piano version) (Orch in E95)Vocal quartet; piano (Mult copies)P onlyV42
VIVALDI, AntonioGloria (vocal parts in V42)String orchestra with solo inst(s)S & PE95
VIVALDI, AntonioPastorale (Fl, ce)Flute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
VIVALDI, AntonioSonata (Piano Trio), c minorViolin, cello, and pianoP onlyP313
VIVALDI, AntonioSonata in g (Fl, Ob, Bs, Piano)Three wind/strings and pianoP onlyP45
VIVALDI, AntonioSonatas, six, for cello and pianoCello and pianoP onlyP213
VIVALDI, AntonioSonatas: In F major & g minor2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
VOXMAN, H (ed)Duets (78) vols 1 & 2Flute & clarinetP onlyE23
WAGNER, RichardSiegfried IdyllChamber orchestra (with wind parts)S & PE96
WARLAND, DaleAdagio (Cl, ce)Clarinet, cello & pianoP onlyP35
WASHBURN, RobertQuintet forWindsFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornS & PE532
WASHBURN, RobertThree Pieces for Three WoodwindsFlute, clarinet, and bassoonS & PE333
WEBER, Carl MariaGrand Duo Concertante, op 48Clarinet and pianoP onlyP233
WEBER, Carl MariaOriginal Compositions for Piano DuetPiano 4 handsP onlyP204
WEBER, Carl MariaPiano Quartet, op 8Violin, viola, cello, and pianoP onlyP413
WEBER, Carl MariaQuintet (Clarinet), op 34, B flatClarinet & string quartetP onlyE55
WEBER, Carl MariaSe il ben, cor mio tu seiVocal duets,piano & various insts-P onlyV26
WEBER, Carl MariaTrio, g minor (Fl, ce)Flute, cello & pianoP onlyP35
WILDER, AlecQuintet for Horn and Str QuartetHorn & string quartetP onlyE55
WIRTH, HelmutClementiadeFlute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532
zVARIOUS48 DuetsVocal duets with pianoP onlyV22
zVARIOUS48 Duets for medium voices (spiral bound)Vocal duets with pianoP onlyV22
zVARIOUSAlbum of Classical PiecesViolin and celloP onlyE213
zVARIOUSAlbum of Classical Pieces, vol 4Viola and pianoP onlyP212
zVARIOUSBeach, Mrs HHA (2), HandelVoice, violin & pianoP onlyV16
zVARIOUSCello Quintets (5 cellos)Five stringed instrumentsS onlyE518
zVARIOUSClassical AlbumFlute and pianoP onlyP231
zVARIOUSDuets for French Horn vol 1Wind duetP onlyE23
zVARIOUSDuos (9) for Violin and CelloViolin and celloP onlyE213
zVARIOUSEighteen Trios from the Classic MastersFlute, oboe, and clarinetS & PE332
zVARIOUSFlonzaley Favorite Encore Albums vols1-42 violins, viola, cello, & bassP onlyE519
zVARIOUSHousemusic2 violins, cello, & piano (Trio sonata)P onlyP412
zVARIOUSThe String Trio, Vol IITwo violins and celloP onlyE313
zVARIOUSTwenty-Two Woodwind Quintets (Andraud)Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, & hornP onlyE532